The Five Pillars of Longevity and the Fasting Mimicking Diet
Longevity, everyone wants it, but how do you get it?
Professor Valter Longo has led one of the most important studies on longevity based on nutrition. This is how he has identified the five pillars that enable the foundation of the bases for a long life, and from which were issued the studies that led to that the fasting mimicking diet®.
Professor. Valter Longo and his team’s studies are at the origin of the meal program of the that the fasting mimicking diet, the result of more than 10 years of scientific research, conducted at the University of Southern California’s Longevity Institute and School of Medicine, one of the world's leading centres for studies on aging and longevity.
The research results above mentioned have been published in the world’s most influential scientific journals.
Let's discover the origins:
First pillar:
Understanding the interaction between cells and different nutrients, how some of them affect cell functioning.
Second pillar:
Through epidemiology, a discipline studying the cause of disease in populations, the diet turns out to be a factor having a significant impact on the functioning of metabolism.
Third pillar:
The demonstration that dietary style may subsequently have an impact on health has been shown by randomized clinical trials.
Fourth pillar:
Based on the study of the centenarians, always relatively to an eating behaviour adopted by the most long-lived people in the world, with a link between genetics and lifestyle.
Fifth pillar:
It consists in the study of complex systems allowing the analysis and understanding of the human organism complexity by simplifying it through models that are more intuitive. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the prevention of a chronic pathology through food and diet has become possible.
Article written by: Francesca Florenzo
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