Are you looking for an effective method to lose weight? In recent years, yoga has spread especially for its countless benefits. There are those who start to reduce stress, those who do it for back pain, and those who perhaps want to become more flexible. Among the countless benefits of this discipline, there is also the fact that it helps those who are focused on weight loss.
Yoga to lose weight
In recent years, the lifestyle has become increasingly sedentary and we all use our bodies less and less. We move mainly by car or public transportation, and we walk little. All these behaviors are the main causes of overweight and obesity, two increasingly common problems.
From a health point of view, these disorders are closely related to other rather serious problems such as frequent back pain, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. Not to mention the attempts to lose weight quickly that often worsen even more health instead of improving it. Many diets are nutritionally unbalanced, stress the organism excessively, and are ineffective in the long term.
Does yoga make you lose weight?
If you practice constantly and correctly, weight loss is just one of the many benefits of yoga that you will get. Yoga, however, works differently than most activities that promise to make you lose weight quickly. In fact, this discipline, in addition to working on the body, also works on the mind and it is the latter that allows you to achieve a psycho-physical balance, and then burn the so-called "extra pounds".
The main causes of this problem are sedentary and lazy, aspects that yoga tends to fight. Thanks to the numerous positions, in fact, the body awakens and gradually regains its balance, often lost after years of inactivity. Of course, the body’s balance also means weight loss if you need it.
In addition to exercises, another aspect of yoga that helps to solve this problem is the intake of a healthy and natural diet, which is very important in this discipline. In fact, as the body regains its balance, it also tends to eat more natural food and avoid excesses. If you practice yoga constantly and eat correctly, eventually you will lose weight, but you have to give the body time to find its balance and it is better to avoid drastic solutions or particular diets just to speed up the process.
5 yoga positions to lose weight
The yoga positions are many and they are all beneficial for the body. Some of them are specific for doing abs, others are focused on balance and others are better to help the practitioner lose weight. Here are 5 yoga positions to lose weight.
This position is a standing forward bend that allows you to stretch the entire back of the body. When you do this asana, the abdomen is compressed and so this whole area rebalances. If it is initially difficult, bend your knees and try to straighten them with time. Do not push excessively in this position because you risk overstretching the hind muscles of the thighs.
It is also called the position of the cobra. This asana is very important in yoga. The chest and shoulders are open and the whole back of the back works to hire Bhujangasana. During its execution, do not allow behind to arch, but keep them open and away from the ears.
This position is an extremely beneficial sideways bend not only to lose weight but also to solve rather common imbalances in the spine that very often cause back pain. Thanks to this asana, the two sides rebalance and the excess fat in the sides of the body with time disappears. In addition, it also makes the legs work intensely that are incredibly strong.
Paripurna Navasana
This position makes the whole abdominal area work intensely and so, if unbalanced, this part of the body balances with time. If you have just started yoga, it can be very tiring, but if you do it constantly in a short time it will be easier.
Parivrtta Sukhasana
This torsion is done from sitting with crossed legs. The most important thing in this exercise is to keep your spine straight. So, if it is hard for you to do it sitting on the floor, put a meditation pillow under your buttocks, and it will help you a lot.
When you do this type of exercise, you activate the lateral abdominals, muscles that are rarely used in everyday life. Working with this position and with all the twists, slowly the abdomen and hips rebalance and so the excess pounds in this area disappear slowly.
These positions are useful to lose weight, but to be effective they should be practiced daily. The constant practice allows replacing old wrong habits with new and correct behaviors. Instead of promising a particular result, yoga only requires practice.
The results will come and will be incredible because according to yoga a small gesture repeated several times and constantly can have huge consequences in the long term.
Yoga and ProLon diet
As mentioned above, yoga as any physical activity must be associated with a balanced and healthy diet. The Fasting Mimicking Diet is the perfect solution. Try ProLon now! Get in touch with our knowledgeable nutritionists for free.