There are many Hollywood icons who practice intermittent fasting, such as Jennifer Aniston and Halle Berry. But what is intermittent fasting? It is a dietary strategy in which a period of feeding is intentionally alternated with a period of fasting. You do this already when you sleep, but intermittent fasting tends to widen your normal fasting window by lengthening the part of the day or alternating fasting days with feeding days during the week.

There are different approaches and above all, there are different false myths. First of all, DIY is not worth it. You have to be followed by an expert. Keep reading to discover seven false myths linked to intermittent fasting.

intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting and false myths

  • It is miraculous to lose weight. True and False. Intermittent fasting can be used to facilitate weight loss, however, it is not a guaranteed result. Achieving an overall calorie deficit, consuming fewer calories than those that your body burns, is what produces weight loss. Therefore, if you consume more calories than those that your body burns in the meal window, you will not see a weight decrease. 
  • All intermittent fasts are the same. False. There are different types of intermittent fasting plans. The different forms of fasting are not the same, partly because some are easier than others, but also because some phases adapt better to the natural circadian rhythm of our body, thus lowering insulin levels, increasing the hormones burning fat and decreasing appetite. Read the article at this link to find out about different types of fasting.
    • Does not mean to skip breakfast. Many people who follow this diet tend to schedule windows to eat later during the day, which allows greater flexibility and to manage hunger and cravings.
    • You can eat whatever you want during the meal window. No. The meal window is not a time to binge or recover lost food opportunities, it is a time to have a well-balanced diet. 
    • Intermittent fasting slows down the metabolism. False. In contrast, fasting, when it is done for short intervals of time, such as 16:8, has been shown to actually increase metabolism and improve its adaptability. If the body does not receive food, it obviously cannot drop the metabolism to zero. It must obviously burn calories to stay alive. Some hormones make it possible to switch from the energy source of sugars to that of fats. During intermittent fasting, the body does not reduce the basic metabolism and begins to take nourishment from fat reserves.
    • You should also limit your water intake. No, it is false. Restricting water is not a good idea, rather you must consume all that you feel the need.
    • It causes a dangerous lowering of blood sugar. Our body has many mechanisms to keep blood sugar levels monitored. During intermittent fasting, it takes glycogen from the liver and transforms it into glucose to be put into circulation. What happens when the glycogen reserves run out? The body takes glycerol from fats, then inside the liver through the process called "glucogenesis" turns glycerol into glucose and puts it into the bloodstream. It means that the sugar level does not drop dangerously during fasting. Obviously clinical or particular cases are another matter.

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      Is your lover being hard-headed and refuses to be rational?

      Are you afraid that if this relationship continues to deteriorate, your lover may leave for good?

      If this accurately describes your situation, it may be your karma to be reading these words at this precise moment.

      Is this you?
      • You are worried that your words of reconciliation are falling upon deaf ears.
      • You desperately want to hold and caress your loved one and tell them how much you love them.
      • You fear that any additional rejection would leave you in a hopeless state.
      • You feel you are running out of options to save this most precious relationship?
      If the above words truly describe your current situation, then Abdul’s Change of Heart spell could bring you the harmony, love, and happiness you deserve.

      So if you have finally come to the conclusion that you can’t solve your relationship problems all by yourself, the Master Psychic Abdul is ready to help you fulfill your destiny.

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    • Ibrahim

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      Perhaps it’s time to have the Love Psychic cast this powerful spell to soften your lover, opening their heart and mind. Soon they could reconsider their thoughts and actions toward you, and the two of you will be on your way to the relationship of your dreams.

      The purpose of this spell is to:
      1. Plant the seeds of change in the heart and soul of your loved one and,
      2. Alter the thoughts and actions of this person before the relationship deteriorates even further.
      Is this you?
      • You seek to truly convince your lover to change their attitude toward you.
      • You have displayed your affection unconditionally, and all you ask for is to be treated the same way.
      • You have witnessed other people change their ways, so you know people are capable of altering their attitudes, and feelings…
      • But you can’t understand why your lover is so reluctant to keep an open mind.
      • And you are worried that if this person isn’t willing to change, the relationship could be caught in an unstoppable downward spiral.
      • However, you are certain that if a change does take place, your relationship and compatibility will immediately be on the upswing.
      If the above resonates with you, I will focus my telepathic powers to implant the seeds of change. And soon their attitude should be noticeably and pleasantly different.

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    • Rachael Mildred


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      I got my ex husband back to me and also got fertile and gave birth to twin girls after 12 years of marriage.
      When I came online last year, I saw a testimony about Doctor Odunga and how he has been helping people with marriage issues and I decided to contact him. We spoke on email at and later he gave me his Whats-App number which is +2348167159012. He assured me he would help me get my ex husband back after 3 years of no contact. Doctor Odunga is the best spell caster I must say. My husband called me after 24 hours of contact. The third day, I received natural herbs for fertility and after using it, I became fertile and conceived. My husband and I reconnected, had sex and I was pregnant. Presently I am happy to say I am the mother of twin girls and this is ALL THANKS TO DOCTOR ODUNGA. I came online to say this: If you need help, I believe you are saved with this man.

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    • Ruth Cholay

      I’m here to let everyone know that there is a cure for HERPES1&2. The doctors have succeeded in letting people living with Herpes know that there is no cure for Herpes and they have been enslaved to the antiviral and other supplementary Orthodox medicine just to help suppress the virus and not a cure. I got diagnose of herpes1&2 January this year 2022 and i did not believe in my doctor that no cure for herpes rather i went into research online and I was introduce to Dr Osato a herbal healer by a blogger who also narrated Her story online on how she was cured of Herpes after using Dr Osato Herbal Medicine. I got the herbal medicine from Dr Osato and made use of it as I was instructed. I went to the clinic for a checkup after two weeks of using the herbal product. My result came out Negative and I was booked for another appointment after 30days to confirm my result and the test still showed Negative and I was given the green light that I am fully free from herpes. All thanks to God for using this Great herbalist to heal me. You can contact Dr Osato by email: or WhatsApp +2347051705853. His website is I have promised to keep sharing my testimony, so people will know that there is a cure for herpes.

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