You’re thinking about starting yoga but you don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, because fears and doubts are completely normal among those who want to approach yoga for the first time.
This article aims to clarity this aspect. The goal is to furnish an overview about yoga for beginners and provide indications on how and why to start practicing. Let’s get started! 😊
Yoga is a millennial discipline that combines breathing, movement and meditation. Developed in India, health benefits of yoga are now renowned all over the world. Scientific research has shown that yoga can help manage stress, relieve depression and anxiety, and improve mood and sleep quality. In addition, thanks to constant practice, benefits of daily yoga are multiple: it improves flexibility, balance and coordination, reduces pain of any inflammation and strengthens muscles and bones.
Since this is an article about yoga for beginners, you should know that a yoga class can last from 45 minutes to 90 minutes. It starts with breathing and warming exercises. After, it continues with the execution of a series of yoga positions (called asanas) and ends with final relaxation and in some cases even with a few minutes of meditation.
Yoga clothes
Yoga, in its wisdom, teaches us to make room and eliminate all the superfluous, so even the outfit can be simple and essential and you will not necessarily use an Indian clothing. Just wear a pair of pants or leggings, a top or a t-shirt and a sweatshirt. You don’t need special shoes because yoga is practiced barefoot. You can also wear a pair of yoga socks with non-slip rubber pads to avoid slipping. Our advice, however, is to try to practice barefoot. 😊
The best way to learn yoga is to do it, but if you are nervous to attend a yoga class right away, the best way is to start studying and getting information about it.
Kinds of yoga
There are many kinds of yoga, so to understand which type is most suitable for you, you have to read the descriptions of each one:
-Hatha Yoga tends to be the best kind of yoga for beginners, especially for those who have been living a sedentary lifestyle for a while, as it is a slower practice than other styles;
-Ashtanga, Power and Vinyasa yoga can be more challenging, but there are also Vinyasa yoga lessons for beginners, intermediate and advanced. While during the lessons of Vinyasa and Power yoga, the sequences always change, in the Ashtanga the yoga positions are always the same;
-Iyengar yoga strongly focuses on correct alignment and often uses objects and supports to help participants perfect the execution of yoga poses;
-Hot yoga is yoga practiced in a warm and the heat makes the bodies more flexible. It is not good for those who suffer from health problems such as heart problems or for those who are particularly sensitive to heat;
-Kundalini yoga is often used as a type of healing yoga and lessons may incorporate elements of meditation, singing and spirituality.
It is said that yoga has as many positions as there are human beings. What yoga positions to start with? Let’s see together the best yoga positions for beginners:
-Standing positions: upright positions are often done first in order to warm-up the body;
-Balancing positions: these positions for yoga beginners are an important way to build the strength needed to perform advanced postures. Though they may seem difficult, you can improve considerably thanks to regular practice;
-Backbend: Talking about yoga for beginners, you will start with a slight flexion and extension of the spine, and then move to deeper positions. Since we rarely move like this in everyday life, backbends are essential for the health and longevity of the spine;
-Sitting positions: Sitting stretches are generally performed towards the end of a yoga class. Placing a folded blanket or a block under your butt is a good way to feel more comfortable in these postures;
-Resting positions: It is important to know the resting poses, especially the baby pose, which you can do whenever you need a break during a yoga session. Among these positions, there is Savasana, or the position of the corpse, that is useful for the final relaxation of both mind and body.
The health benefits of yoga are numerous. Many teachers and people who practice it are convinced about it, but also scientists and doctors.
In the last 30 years almost a thousand studies have proven that combining yoga positions (asana), meditation and breathing (pranayama) has benefits not only on your body but also on your mind and can give relief to many diseases such as hypertension, arthritis, etc. Of course, you need to do it consistently to enjoy these health benefits of yoga.
What are the benefits of daily yoga?
Practicing Yoga in a constant way, within a few months, you can get the benefits that this millennial technique is able to give.
The main benefits of daily yoga are:
- Reduction of stress and anxiety;
- Improving the capacity to relax;
- Increase in concentration;
- Development of breath awareness;
- Increased elasticity and flexibility;
- Increased strength and resistance;
- Correction of body and muscle imbalances;
- Harmonization of posture;
- Improvement of coordination;
- Improving balance and stability;
- Raising body awareness;
- Improvement of harmony between mind and body
Yoga combines flexibility, strength and balance giving the benefits of a synergistic and complete training.
Yoga is a very personal practice. What is safe and effective for one person may not be safe or effective for another. One of the principles of yoga is non-violence. Non-violence towards your body, respecting its limits and health. Acceptance is always part of yoga practice. Many yoga positions need some strength and an excellent balance that take time to develop. Start by practicing basic yoga positions and take your time to train. Everything will come at the right time, don’t get discouraged!
We’ll just have to wish you the best for the beginning of this new journey. Namastè! 😊
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