Is ProLon Right For Me?

Should I take ProLon?

ProLon este destinat utilizării de cătrepersoane sănătoase care doresc să își îmbunătățească sănătatea și bunăstareași de către persoanele supraponderale care doresc să își gestioneze proactiv greutatea într-un mod ușor și sănătos. S-a demonstrat că ProLon ajută la menținerea unor niveluri sănătoase ale tensiunii arteriale sistolice în timp ce reduce grăsimea abdominală și circumferința taliei*.

*Beneficii observate într-un studiu clinic când ProLon a fost utilizat o dată pe lună timp de 3 luni consecutive.

Cum să iei ProLon

Cât de des ar trebui să luați ProLon?

Is Fasting for Me?
Do not fast or use a fasting product to support fasting if:

  • Ai o tulburare alimentară cunoscută, diagnosticată sau suspectată
  • Ai febră, tuse, diaree, semne de infecție activă, ești în risc de infecții recurente
  • Ești subponderal (Vezi Graficul Greutății)
  • Alăptezi sau ești însărcinată
  • Ai restricții alimentare
  • Ești sub vârsta de 18 ani sau peste vârsta de 70 de ani.
  • Dacă ai experimentat deficiență de proteine sau ești subnutrit
Postește sau folosește produse de post doar sub supravegherea unui medic dacă ai diabet (tipurile 1 sau 2), cancer, insuficiență cardiacă congestivă sau un istoric de leșin (sincopă)

Grafic de Greutate

  • 1,50 m - 1,57 m și sub 45 kg
  • 1,60 m - 1,63 m și sub 48 kg
  • 1,65 m - 1,70 m și sub 52 kg
  • 1,73-1,78 m și sub 57 kg
  • 1,80-1,83 m și sub 61 kg
  • 1,85 m - 1,93 m și sub 68 kg

Important information for those with diagnosed medical conditions or age restrictions:

Do not fast or use any fasting products for fasting purposes if you have a fever, cough, diarrhea, signs of an active infection, are at risk for recurrent infection, are underweight, are breastfeeding, are pregnant, have dietary restrictions, or are under the age of 18 or over the age of 70. 

Only fast or use fasting products under a doctor’s supervision if you have diabetes (types 1 or 2), cancer, congestive heart failure, or a history of fainting (syncope).

Do not undertake fasting or use any fasting products for fasting purposes if you have a known, diagnosed, or suspected eating disorder

Risks and Precautions:

Do not use ProLon if you are allergic to nuts, celeriac/celery, oats, or sesame, or any other ingredients in ProLon.

Due to nature of fasting, there are common complaints associated with it including fatigue, headache, dizziness, and difficulty with concentration during the fasting period.  Complaints are mild and tolerated for most people. 

Although ProLon is designed to mitigate many of these risks of fasting by providing specific macro and micronutrients, because it is still a low calorie diet, we encourage you to discuss with your healthcare provider whether the practice of fasting or the use of fasting mimicking diet is right for you. 

Please avoid the following during the 5-days of the program: 

• Any strenuous exercising or activities that may consume a high level of calories.

• Extreme temperature environments like hot tubs and saunas, or driving long distances under strong sun or heat exposure.

Since ProLon is a food based program, please stop the product should you experience any symptom of an allergic reaction such as a rash, change in voice, swelling or fever.

If you feel light headed or faint, you should eat something or drink juice or consume a beverage with sugar. If your symptoms do not subside, please contact your physician or if you feel this is a life threatening emergency, call 911.

As a company dedicated to your health, we offer complimentary consultations with certified health coaches. After purchasing ProLon, you will receive the instructions in the ProLon box telling you how to schedule this call. We urge you to schedule your call prior to starting your ProLon fast so you can benefit the most from the coaching calls.

ProLon is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. ProLon and statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. 

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