The Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) is only one among the hundreds of existing aloe species but is the most used in consumer products both for external and internal use because of its properties. The use of this plant is of a long tradition in different parts of the world seen the many Aloe Vera benefits that have been found in the course of the years, verified initially only with the experience but today also confirmed by some scientific researches.
It is probably one of the best-known plants ever due to its countless beneficial properties. From the leaves, a dense juice with the consistency of a gel is extracted. It contains numerous active ingredients with an immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory, depurative and nutritional properties.
The particular composition of this gel, combined with the different beneficial properties that the aloe Vera plant contains, has allowed the transformation of the raw material into products that can be used for many uses.
Let us discover the aloe Vera benefits, properties, and uses.
Keep reading.
Aloe Vera benefits
The aloe Vera benefits are countless. Here are the main:
- It can detoxify the body from toxins. The saccharides present in the gel, adhere to the walls of the intestine forming a protective barrier that prevents the absorption of harmful substances;
- Aloe Vera plant is a valuable ally of the digestive system. It stimulates the bacterial flora and promotes the elimination of waste, improving the absorption of nutrients;
It strengthens the immune system. The gel also contains acemannan, a sugar with antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and especially antitumor properties. One of the Aloe Vera benefits is to regulate immune responses to infectious or sensitizing agents, as in the case of allergies or autoimmune diseases;
- Thanks to the presence of polysaccharides derived from mannose, which stimulate the activity of macrophages, enhance the synthesis of collagen, increase cell regeneration;
- Aloe can quickly repair tissues and membranes, so it is used not only on burns but also on wounds, eczema, and blisters, to accelerate healing;
- Another Aloe Vera benefit is to provide immediate relief to mosquito bites and other insects, jellyfish, and even nettle bites. Its soothing power extends also to sunburns, both those from fire and those from excessive exposure to the sun;
- Counteracts cellular aging. The juice of aloe to drink is rich in antioxidant vitamins and amino acids, such as cysteine, essential to fight free radicals.
As we have seen, there are many Aloe Vera benefits. The particular composition of the gel that is obtained from the leaves, has allowed the creation of different types of products, and therefore different uses.
To enjoy all the benefits and enhance its effectiveness, the aloe vera product must be as natural as possible and resulting only from the extraction of the gel or juice directly from the Aloe Vera plant, to maintain its original characteristics.
Aloe Vera uses
To take advantage of all Aloe Vera benefits, this plant can be used in two ways:
- In pure juice for internal use, such as gastroprotective, antibacterial, laxative, and depurative;
- In the form of a gel for external use. It acts as a scar and moisturizer reducing the time of tissue repair.
Regarding the first use: is it good to drink the Aloe Vera juice? Taking aloe Vera juice extract is often recommended to deal with various ailments but also simply to strengthen the immune system in times when there is more need, detoxify, or improve digestive functions.
We summarize what are the main Aloe Vera juice benefits:
- Purifies the organism
- Protects the heart
- Protects the skin
- Good for the gums and mouth
- Safeguards dental health
- Reduces the inflammation
- Regulates blood sugar levels.
Besides, the Aloe Vera juice is contained numerous vitamins that stimulate the immune system and that perform numerous functions useful to the body. Among the vitamins are vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, and Vitamin B12, very rare in nature and indispensable for the correct hemolytic function.
As regards the second use: is Aloe Vera good for skin? The answer is yes. The best remedies for self-care often come directly from nature. You can extract the aloe Vera gel directly from the leaves of the aloe Vera plant or buy it in the herbalist’s shop and use it for:
- It is used as a natural remedy for sunburn, on insect bites, for massages and muscle pain, to relieve spots on the skin.
- The role of aloe Vera gel for the face is very common, especially to create DIY scrubs, creams or face masks, or as an acne remedy.
- The use of aloe Vera for hair is also very beneficial. This is used as an anti-dandruff lotion, pre-shampoo pack, or as a natural hair gel.
The application of Aloe Vera gel on the wounds or burns causes an immediate decrease in the sensation of pain. Aloe vera gel is also useful for relieving signs on the skin in cases of aggressive acne. Vitamin C and collagen present in the aloe gel act directly on the skin acting with a moisturizing and emollient effect. It gives relief in case of wounds, but also burns, bruises, insect bites, and sunburn. Aloe Vera gel has a regenerating effect on skin like few other ingredients in nature.
Thanks to its ability to deeply moisturize the scalp, the aloe Vera gel acts positively on hair health, making them more resistant to falling and tearing.
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