It can weigh up to 20 kilos. And for 93 percent it is made of water: watermelon is known for the same pigment that colors tomatoes, lycopene, which is a very important substance to fight inflammatory states, even just with a large slice. This is not the only benefit of watermelon that has very interesting properties from the point of view of prevention. Keep reading and find out more about the properties and benefits of watermelon.
Like melon, watermelon is the protagonist of summer, a thirst-quenching, refreshing, and low-calorie fruit, able to ensure a precious, as abundant, water supply. The watermelon is distinguished from other fruits by its massive size, as well as its weight, which sometimes reaches even 20 kilos: in any case, the quality of the fruit is not always proportional to the weight.
Is watermelon good for you? Its properties
Watermelon belongs to the category of the most refreshing foods in the world: so much so that it consists of more than 93% of water. How many calories in watermelon? Watermelon provides very few calories: only 16 per 100 grams of product, even less than melon. In the watermelon, there are about 3.7 grams of sugar per hectare of fruit, 0.4 of protein, and 0.2 of fiber.
Watermelon is an excellent ally in low-calorie diets; however, excessive consumption is not recommended for diabetic patients. Watermelon is a source of antioxidant vitamins (A and C), B vitamins (B6), and mineral salts, in particular potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium (112, 11, and 10 mg/100g of product respectively).
Benefits of watermelon
What are the benefits of watermelon? Surely, purification is perfectly suited to watermelon. Purification activity is directly related to diuretic activity: by stimulating diuresis, the elimination of excess slag in the body is promoted.
Another of the benefits of watermelon is related to the number of minerals and vitamins present, which is a useful natural remedy - albeit mild - against states of fatigue, physical fatigue, and stress, typical of the summer months.
Being rich in potassium, watermelon is also recommended for people who complain about summer disorders related to alteration of osmotic pressure, water retention, neuromuscular excitability, and slight alterations in the rhythmic nature of the heart.
Watermelon, to be consumed preferably away from meals because it tends to slow down the digestion, provides a certain feeling of satiety: in this regard, it is an excellent aid to keep under control the hunger in those people who, failing to control it, tend to supercharge.
Watermelon is also rich in carotenoids that can fight the action of free radicals and therefore the aging of cells. Among these, as already mentioned, the lycopene.
And again: watermelon is rich in citrulline, an amino acid that ensures the balance of pressure and keeps the arterial walls elastic and would therefore be able to prevent hypertension and heart disease.
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