Let us discover together what the fasting benefits are, what are the expectations of a new diet and the importance of the figure of a nutritionist figure into this.
In our daily life, we eat and assimilate food regularly. When fasting, the body stops to assimilate: it eliminates full-time reserves, stocks and damaged tissues. It invests its energies in the renewal and repair of all biological functions.
Today it is not necessary to fast completely, because there is the Fasting Mimicking Diet.
The Fasting Mimicking Diet is the first and only meal program that has gone through clinical trials at the University of Southern California. This fasting program provides scientifically researched micro- and macro-nutrients in precise quantities and combinations that nourish you. Following a particular biochemical way, they are not recognized as food by your body and therefore they can mimic a fasting state.
Let us discover together what the fasting benefits are, what are the expectations of a new diet and the importance of the figure of a nutritionist figure into this.
The Importance of knowing the Fasting Mimicking Diet
The fasting diet, also known as the Fasting Mimicking Diet, requires a controlled intake of protein (9-11%), carbohydrates (43-47%) and fat (44-46%) for an overall caloric reduction of between 34% and 54% compared to the canonical contribution.
Before the beginning of the day and after the last meal, even the smallest snack is avoided, in order to accustom the organism to live and to work in conditions of reduction of the satiety. In doing so, you also avoid accumulating energy at the end of the day, which happens to those who are used to having dinner very late, without having time to burn the accumulated energy just before going to bed.
The main fasting benefits concern the preservation of a correct state of cells health, at the level of all organs. The process is made possible by the depletion of glucose reserves and the use of fat as an energy source. What are the main fasting benefits?
Continue reading to learn more.
Fasting benefits
The main fasting benefits are:
- Enhance Performance. Feel greater focus, clarity and energy, through the benefits of a leaner body;
- Weight Loss. It can induce a controlled weight loss while protecting lean body mass. The rate of weight loss may change from subject to subject;
- Enhance cellular renewal. Trigger the beneficial effect of fasting and promote rejuvenation from within;
- Metabolic health. Help maintain metabolic health to support overall wellness.
Expectations of the diet: what effects the new diet will bring
Starting a diet is never easy.
Thousand questions come to mind: do I need to lose weight? What does food represent to me? And if that doesn't work?
It is right to ask questions, because only by fully knowing your own motivations, fears and difficulties, is it possible to live this choice not as a sacrifice, but as an extraordinary opportunity to love yourself.
The preoccupation with not being able to follow a precise diet is connected to many factors: not reaching the desired weight, not being able to resist food, having to avoid social events, not being able to spend time cooking, spending too much money to buy healthy food of better nutritional quality.
People are linked to the dietary scheme, which is considered the only way to stay healthy and reach an individual goal. This is strongly influenced by the diet culture in which we live, which loves thinness and makes it equivalent to health and promotes weight loss by ensuring you get a better status.
Instead, you should understand that you do not need to eat perfectly to be perfectly healthy. This is what you should expect from a new diet. And regarding the Fasting Mimicking Diet? You will also expect the fasting benefits we mentioned before. 😃
How to go back to normal eating after a diet
After going on a diet, it is important to continue the dietary path towards a specific food education.
After weeks of fatigue and renunciation the first reaction is to start doing and eating what you did and eat before. Nothing could be more wrong!
The diet, in fact, should not be seen as something temporary, but as a new and healthy way of seeing and living food and life. A lifestyle to take care of yourself, your appearance and your health.
How to go back to normal eating after a diet? Also thanks to the help of the nutritionist and this also applies to the Fasting Mimicking Diet.
The importance of the figure of a nutritionist
The figure of the nutritionist has a fundamental role in all this process. The nutritionist is the one who assists the person in the pre, during and post diet phases.
The assistance of the nutritionist, in fact, is fundamental:
- to formulate a daily diet which is more in line with the person’s lifestyle, without encountering difficulties in applying it;
- to give support during diet;
- to direct the person towards a healthy lifestyle.
Regarding the Fasting Mimicking Diet, our nutritionists of the Scientific Team help people to understand when to start and how to face the possible symptoms associated with the simulation of fasting, e.g. tiredness, hunger, nervousness, insomnia.
Before starting, Scientific Team explains people all the fasting benefits, what is not recommended to do during the cycle and when the diet should not be done (for example when you are pregnant or have certain diseases). Once the cycle has started, they are always at the customer’s disposal to support him/her and answer specific nutritional questions. At the end of the Fasting Mimicking Diet, they advise you what to eat on the sixth day, the transition day, to go back to normal eating.
If you want to know more about the Fasting Mimicking Diet, the fasting benefits, specific nutritional information, you can contact our Scientific Team at scientificteam@lnutra.it or get your free copy of "The Longevity Diet" book written by the prof. Valter Longo.
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