Do you know the Fasting Mimicking Diet eating plan? Read this article to find out its benefits and news about ProLon as the New ProLon Soup Variety 2 and the first European Fasting Week.

What are the Fasting Mimicking Diet eating plan and ProLon®

The ProLon® Fasting Mimicking Diet is the first and only meal program patented for its anti-aging effects. Why 5 days? This 5-day meal program provides scientifically researched micro- and macro-nutrients in precise quantities and combinations that nourish you, but they are not recognized as food by your body and therefore mimics a fasting state.

ProLon®: what to expect? Studies have shown that fasting can have a positive effect on our health. The Fasting Mimicking Diet eating plan benefits are:

-Enhance performance. Feel greater focus, clarity and energy, through the benefits of a leaner body;

-Weight loss. ProLon® can induce weight loss while protecting lean body mass. The rate of weight loss may change from subject to subject;

-Enhance cellular renewal. Trigger the beneficial effect of fasting and promote rejuvenation from within;

-Metabolic health. Help maintain metabolic health to support overall wellness.

It is important to know how the Fasting Mimicking Diet eating plan is composed. ProLon® meals come in 5 small boxes (one for each day) that include plant-based energy bars, soups, a variety of snacks, drinks and supplements, all studied and carefully designed to nourish your body and promote positive changes. Its ingredients are plant-based and the daily calorific intake with ProLon® is between 750 and 1,100 calories from healthy ingredients that maximise nourishment and provide a pleasant eating experience.

Fasting Mimicking Diet eating plan: New ProLon Soup Variety 2

A few months ago, we launched the new Fasting Mimicking Diet eating plan: the new ProLon® Soup Variety 2!

The new ProLon® Soup Variety 2 contains the same secret to fasting with a new variety of tasty and delicious soups designed by professional Italian chefs:

-Butternut Squash Soup Mix;

-Black Bean Soup Mix;

-Butternut Squash and Quinoa Soup Mix;

-White Bean and Spinach Soup Mix.

Just like the other kit, the ProLon® Soup Variety 2 also includes plant-based energy bars, soups, a variety of snacks, drinks, and supplements. All ingredients have been studied and carefully designed to nourish your body and promote positive changes.

Did you know that buying your ProLon® kit, you will also receive “The Longevity Diet” book written by prof. Valter Longo and a consultation with one of our nutritionists of the Scientific Team at L-Nutra? Buy it now!

Fasting Week with ProLon® Soup Variety 2

The first European Fasting Week is coming! What better time to try the new Fasting Mimicking Diet eating plan?

Participating in the Fasting Week event September 21-25th, you can become part of a group and fast with our tips, support and encouragement. There are several benefits of taking part in the Fasting Week:

-Do ProLon® all together and take part of a community;

-Receive informative and educational contents;

-Daily recordings featuring inspirational fasting experts;

-Free help for transitioning back to a healthier eating plan and lifestyle;

-Support to help you stay engaged and motivated throughout your fasting journey.

Join the Facebook Group “Fasting Mimicking Diet: share your experience” to be part of this 5-day reset journey to wellness.

In addition to have the opportunity to take advantages of all the benefits mentioned above, you can try the new Fasting Mimicking Diet eating plan ProLon® Soup Variety 2 with a special 10% discount using the code FAST4.

Take part of the Fasting Week, buy the new ProLon® variety and tell us about your experience. Together is better!


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  • Carlito Savannah

    Nous avions tout ce que nous voulions en tant que famille, sauf une bonne santé. Je devais le faire au profit de ceux qui doutent encore de l’efficacité des vrais médicaments à base de plantes, tout comme mon père en doutait quand j’ai appris que le Dr WHITE était capable de guérir le virus de l’herpès. Contrairement à maman, papa est un (RACISTE) qui n’a jamais cru que quelque chose de bon pouvait venir de la nation noire. J’étais belle et aventureuse, mais quand j’ai eu une infection herpétique qui s’est propagée dans mon corps comme un grand incendie à un moment où papa luttait contre le VIH, c’était comme un nuage noir couvrant ma famille. Pendant de nombreuses années, j’ai souffert de douleur et de honte. J’ai décidé de surfer sur Internet pour une cure alternative qui m’a conduit au Dr WHITE WhatsApp +2349091844595 un herboriste et guérisseur puissant mais humble qui a promis de me guérir et a tenu ses paroles. Cet homme est un autre papa d’une autre nation. Au début, j’étais sceptique, je lui ai posé des questions pertinentes et non pertinentes, mais il a été patient pour prouver à mes médecins et à mon père qu’il n’y avait pas de remède. Haven a pris toutes les dispositions; il a préparé et m’a envoyé le remède par le service de courrier express que j’ai reçu à la porte. Dans les 2 semaines suivant l’utilisation de sa cure, mes symptômes avaient disparu et j’allais bien à nouveau même si la prescription était d’un mois. Tout cela grâce au Dr White qui a placé l’intégrité et la sympathie humaine au-dessus des choses matérielles. J’avais lu de nombreux témoignages de ceux qui ont bénéficié des médicaments du Dr WHITE, cela m’a effectivement incité à lui écrire mais aujourd’hui je suis sans herpès et papa est séronégatif, j’ai vu mon cas et j’ai été convaincu d’utiliser la phytothérapie. Remerciements célestes au Dr WHITE pour avoir restauré notre joie. Carlito Savane

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