Spices are allies, not only in the kitchen to flavor our dishes, but also in everyday life, for the protection of health and the prevention of diseases. Some spices, more than others, are rich in beneficial properties that can strengthen our immune system and regulate the levels of cholesterol and sugar in the blood. We should enrich our lives with a touch of cinnamon, turmeric, ginger... and more! Keep reading to find out the best healthy spices.

Spices for our health

Spices are fantastic allies for our health. They can purify, detoxify, deflate and help digestion. They are numerous and vary from spice to spice. It should come as no surprise that spices are good allies for our health. In ancient times, healthy spices were used in traditional natural medicine. Some nations employ them much more than others, such as India where they are present in almost every preparation and are part of their culinary tradition.

Furthermore, the usual consumption of healthy spices in no way constitutes a possible risk to our health. There are no actual side effects, and the only restriction may concern spicy spices, the abuse of which is always discouraged. Let’s discover the best 10 healthy spices with beneficial effects.

10 healthy spices


Turmeric is a spice of oriental origin, with portentous properties. Recent studies have highlighted its usefulness for the prevention of type 2 diabetes and the protection of the organism from infections. Turmeric strengthens the immune system. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, painkillers, and antioxidants.



The virtues of ginger are extraordinary, to say the least. Ginger promotes digestion and helps the body to purify itself. It is perfect for the preparation of herbal teas useful for the treatment and prevention of sore throat, cold, and flu. Scientific studies have shown its effectiveness as a painkiller in the case of arthritis. It also helps to reduce cellulitis, swelling, and watery stagnations, entering directly among the burning-fat spices, as well as healthy.



Chili stimulates metabolism and digestion. Its beneficial effects are mainly purifying. A pinch of chili helps to promote blood circulation and to control blood sugar levels. A particular variety of chili pepper, cayenne pepper, is renowned for its ability to control cholesterol and for its painkiller and anti-inflammatory effect.



Nutmeg is usually an underestimated healthy spice. It is interesting to know that nutmeg is used in homeopathy. For example, it is useful in case of low blood pressure and rheumatism. It is also used for diseases that affect the bronchi and for digestion problems. The beneficial properties of nutmeg are guaranteed by the precious essential oils contained in it. It should not be taken in excessive quantities, being real medicinal food.



Cumin is one of the main health spices in Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine. It is rich in iron and is suitable for the winter season, because of its healing power. It is effective in reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It is considered effective in improving the immune response and in combating osteoporosis.



Cloves are considered beneficial by natural medicine to relieve pain related to arthritis. They contain a substance capable of interrupting the processes of a protein complex that has been related to the onset of inflammatory disorders, such as arthritis itself. They are a natural antibacterial suitable for the preparation of infusions to be obtained through decoction and to be used as a mouthwash. The infusion should be filtered and let cool before being used.



Cardamom is the third rarest spice in the world, after saffron and vanilla. It can be used, for example, to aromatize coffee. The cardamom is useful in case of cough, cold, and airway inflammations. It promotes weight loss and it stimulates metabolism.



The reasons for adding a pinch of cinnamon in our diet and the preparation of herbal teas are as numerous as its beneficial properties. Cinnamon regulates blood sugar, reduces pain caused by arthritis, and improves memory. It is a valuable ally against the cold and sore throat. Finally, it has been attributed anti-cancer properties.



One of the main healthy spices in the curry is turmeric. It is an Indian mix now used worldwide to flavor spices. In curry, you can find also ginger and black pepper that have beneficial properties. It can also contain cumin, cardamom, and cloves, in addition to saffron. It is a set of really healthy spices.


Star anise

It is considered a natural antibiotic. From star anise, it is extracted an essential oil used in medicine and herbal medicine for the preparation of medicines and natural remedies. It is antioxidant and antifungal. It effectively counteracts the presence of viruses and bacteria. It is used for the preparation of liqueurs, a mix of spices and sweets.

star anise


Now that you know the best healthy spices, start using them more. They will be a cure-all for you. If you liked the article, share it with your friends!

Do you want more nutritional information about beneficial and healthy spices?  Do you have any curiosities about them? Get in touch with our knowledgeable nutritionists for free.




68 comentarii

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