With autumn and the first cold, the odious flu comes back. What are the best home remedies for the flu? Moreover, what foods make for the best flu remedies?
Keep reading.
Flu symptoms
Before talking about the best home remedies for the flu, let’s identify common flu symptoms.
With autumn and the first cold, the odious flu symptoms return: stuffy nose, sore throat, and in the most annoying cases even cough.
The main actors in cooling diseases are T-cells. They mainly reside in immune body centers such as tonsils, various lymphatic stations (armpits, neck, groin, abdomen) and go in search of bacteria, viruses and everything that is considered bad.
After an incubation of 24-72 hours, flu symptoms begin with a feeling of scraping in the throat (pharyngeal irritation) and itching in the nose, followed by sneezing, rhinorrhea, mild cough, nasal obstruction and feeling tired. The common flu is not feverish and, unlike the fever, does not cause muscle pain.
Home remedies for the flu
You need to drink a lot, stay warm, rest as soon as possible, and apply some quick and easy, home remedies.
When it comes to flu remedies, lets distinguish between natural flu remedies and foods used as flu remedies, both of which help to fight this odious virus.
Let’s start with the natural ones.
Natural flu remedies
Flu is almost inexorable, but there are several natural remedies that can help you to feel better.
Fumigation with tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is an excellent essential oil to fight the flu, thanks to its anti-viral properties. You can prepare a fumigation with 10 drops of tea tree oil, or alternatively essential oil of eucalyptus to free the first respiratory tract.
Fumigation is a typical natural remedy of the past, which still has its effectiveness. Regarding its preparation, you need to prepare a pot of boiling water, and pour ten drops of one of the two essential oils indicated. Breathe in the fumes of hot water with the oils, covering the head with a dry cloth, so as not to disperse the beneficial fumes.
Fumigation with bicarbonate. Among the natural flu remedies, there is sodium bicarbonate. It is an excellent disinfectant, which have a thousand healing uses, including the cure of flu. A fume with bicarbonate will help to clear the upper respiratory tract, solving the problem of the stuffy nose. Prepare a pot of boiling water and make fumes with a spoonful of bicarbonate.
A natural remedy against the cold is to drink drops of Echinacea. Echinacea is a plant rich in vitamin C, especially in its roots. The mother tincture of this plant can be purchased in herbal medicine, but be sure that it is also produced with the roots, and not only with its flowers.
Rosehip is also rich in vitamin C, and the best way to take advantage of this property is to take it in tablets. This product is also available in supermarkets or in herbal shops. The drying of the rosehip flower enhances its properties and allows it to be taken in a format as comfortable as pills. To help reduce the chances of getting the flu, just take one pill in the morning. If you already have the flu, take two pills.
If you don’t want to take anything by mouth, or you don’t even want to do fumigations, you can opt for a balsamic massage. It help drain the excess mucus and free the respiratory tract. A natural balsamic is the essential oil of eucalyptus.
Prepare a massage balm with shea butter and a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Then give warm hand massages to the chest, corresponding to the lungs with slow and circular movements. For the hot bath, pour a few drops of eucalyptus oil into a tub full of hot water.
Did you already know these natural remedies for cold and flu?
Are you curious about the foods that make for the best flu remedies?
Let’s see them together.
Flu remedy foods
As mentioned before, among the main home remedies for the flu are a variety of foods, including:
Ginger and lemon. The ginger and lemon tea has been called the anti-flu bomb. It brings together the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of ginger with the high amount of vitamin C of lemon. Furthermore, as is well known, this is the best vitamin against seasonal illnesses, to be used also for preventive purposes and not only as a healing remedy.
To clear up your airways and fight the cold, eucalyptus honey, thanks to its balsamic properties, is the best. You can dissolve it in your favorite herbal tea or take one teaspoon a day, in the morning on an empty stomach. For antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, keep an eye on all the derivatives of bees: they are excellent remedies for helping ward off seasonal illnesses, by helping to strengthen your natural immune system.
Foods rich in vitamin C. These are useful to protect cells from oxidation, promote the absorption of iron, and help boost the immune system. Many foods are rich in vitamin C, not only citrus fruits, but also kiwis, pomegranates and vegetables of the cruciferous family.
The high amount of vitamin C found in citrus fruits helps to strengthen your immune system, defend you from seasonal illnesses and promote the synthesis of collagen, which aids in keeping the mucous membranes intact in case of getting the flu.
Thanks to the presence of vitamins and minerals, carrots play an important role in combating the flu. A frequent consumption of carrots can help prevent dry cough and alleviate the disorder if it is already present. The carrot, therefore, is an excellent food to be consumed in autumn and winter to prevent and counter seasonal illnesses.
Rich in beta-carotene, pumpkin offers a powerful antioxidant in the carotenoid family that your body transforms into vitamin A. The pumpkin makes your immune system stronger and promotes the recovery of congested mucous membranes from the flu. In fact, vitamin A also contributes to the normal metabolism of iron, ensuring the right oxygenation and the proper functioning of all systems, including the immune system.
Cabbages and broccoli. Beyond the amount of vitamin C and vitamin A they offer, these foods have a series of small molecules, such as sulforaphane, with a unique immune-stimulating and antiseptic activity. The presence of fibers also nourishes the gut microbiota, strengthening it adequately. Cabbages and broccoli are definitely the most suitable vegetables to deal with seasonal ailments.
Bluefish. In addition to providing precious amino acids for the needs of our immune cells, bluefish is a precious source of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega 3 series. They are able to modulate the inflammatory events of our body, thus exerting a protective action to 360-degree, useful also as flu remedy food.
Did you already know these home remedies for the flu? Do you know any others? Let us know! :)
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