Sleep well, eat healthy and play sports, losing weight. But also: do not do excessive workouts, allow yourself a few moments of relaxation and do not exaggerate with renunciations. Maintaining the line is not a seasonal goal, but a milestone to achieve throughout the year.
It takes little, very little, to be able not to lose this condition throughout the year. Let’s see together 8 good habits to stay in shape in the right way. The only thing that you have to do is to keep reading this article!
How to stay in shape
To stay in shape, it is essential to maintain a double compass in behaviour. On the one hand, do not set unrealistic objectives, which then have a counterproductive effect and remain only good, but not realized, intentions. On the other hand, focus yourself on things, the simplest but most effective ones, which serve not to lose shape.
8 habits for staying in shape
Here are our 8 key tips:
- Don’t exaggerating with the renunciations. Starting with setting achievable goals: it is useless and counterproductive to make too drastic diets that provide for exaggerated and drastic renunciations. As in all things, results can only be achieved through progressive paths. For starters, instead of eating much less, start by choosing healthy food;
- Plenty of water, even through fruits and vegetables, such as red fruits, apples and pears, tofu and soja, cauliflower, avocado, oranges, brussels sprouts, broccoli, green beans, carrots and peppers. These foods are foods with a high content of water, fiber and a low glycemic index, all characteristics that help to control the appetite and to reduce the calorie intake;
- Losing weight, without excess and without too much speed. Losing 10 kilograms in a few days is useless and is likely to do damage to your metabolism. To be durable, weight loss must be slow because the body in this way manages to adapt better to the change. On the other hand, it is the small change that lasts over time and that brings great results;
- Adapting and getting used to healthy food. This is a fundamental condition if you want to stay in shape without making excessive efforts. Choosing wisely what to eat, based on freshness and caloric intake. This is the best way to ensure our body the energy needed. Learn to read the labels and select the foods you put on the table;
- Doing sports but without exaggerating. Doing physical activity certainly leads to consuming more calories, but not necessarily to losing weight. In general, it is preferable to move a little less, but every day, than training strenuously twice a week;
- Walking so much is a good way to stay in shape. Going to the office - whenever possible - walking or cycling and climbing stairs on foot instead of elevator are small gestures that in the long run can help a lot your body;
- Sleeping well. Another fundamental rule to maintain the line is to adopt regular life rhythms and sleep well. The rest should always be at least seven hours because a rested body is the first step to maintain a metabolism at its maximum potential.
- Don’t waiting for a reason to get back in shape. Summer and costume rehearsal do not have to be the only motivations to make sacrifices to get back in shape. It must be rather a long-term journey and a goal to reach day after day. You will see that after some little difficulty to impose the right habits it will become natural to continue in the path.
And you, are you already practicing some of these tips to stay yourself in shape? ProLon® could be a great starting point to take care of yourself with fasting mimicking diet.