The therapeutic fasting: the PR. Longo Fasting Mimicking Diet

The therapeutic fasting: the PR. Longo Fasting Mimicking Diet

Therapeutic fasting can improve your life at all levels, from the body to the mind.

In recent years, there has been a significant growth in the number of people undertaking this practice. However, it is fundamental that people who use this meal plan be aware of the strict rules that must be respected!

The aspects and consequences of therapeutic fasting

Therapeutic Fasting - Cell Regeneration

Therapeutic fasting is a real rehab. The body, at first, moves the previously accumulated toxins and then eliminates them.

There will be in our body an activation of a mechanism suitable for depuration of different sectors including tissues and organs.

However, beware! Fasting is not always recommended and not for everyone.

The processes activated during the fasting period are multiple and for this reason, it is better not to improvise a "DIY” method which has more contraindications than benefits.

The results in this case may be the exact opposite of expectations and sometimes the consequences are irremediable.

As a result, some collateral effects such as:

  • Reduced immune responses
  • Alteration of different systems (gastrointestinal and pulmonary)
  • Malnutrition
  • Dehydration
  • Heart failure

Pr. Longo and the Fasting Mimicking Diet

In 2015, in a study published in the famous scientific journal Cell Metabolism, Professor Valter Longo exposed the effects of fasting. Fasting activates powerful metabolic processes, that is why the scientist has formulated the Fasting Mimicking Diet, a food protocol that simulates such processes safely and while eating.

The Fasting Mimicking Diet is not a continuous diet, but it plans a caloric restriction for 5 days in a row. Therefore, it allows us to eat little but according to certain rules. The study conducted by Longo and his team of researchers, demonstrated how the effects of this diet could be beneficial for our body.

The beneficial effects of FMD


During the fasting period, Longo explains, the body focuses all its energy in the processes of healing and regeneration. In the presence of pathologies, this "smart" caloric restriction turns up to be effective in activating the repair processes of the tissues affected by the disease.

The goal of the FMD is to deprive our body of certain nutrients, such as glucose, in order to generate alternative energy resources. During Fasting Mimicking Diet cycles, a relative increase in stem cells has been observed.

Another fascinating aspect can be noticed from the research and the studies carried out, it relates to the significant reduction of the hormone IGF-1, a key regulator of cellular aging processes, and the outbreak of diseases associated with it.

By following the Fasting with food, risk factors for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases such as diabetes, or neoplastic diseases such as cancer, are greatly reduced!

The Fasting Mimicking Diet do it yourself could be the first safe and effective intervention to promote positive changes.

Article written by: Francesca Florenzo

Read all the new features about the diet ProLon® Fasting Mimicking Diet, FMD on Facebook@ProLon.Europe.

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